Welcome to my website!

I am Pau. In this website you will find my work a school project where our school is participating during the school yeae 2021-2022. Our Eramus+ partner schools are from Grace, Italy, Czech Republic and Spain. Visit school website here Pompeu Fabra de Martorell.

This website is part of a project named "Touching the past to reach the future" with reference number 2019-1-TR01-KA2229-074244-1.

Some of the project objectives are:

  1. To learn how to create a website about videogames for an Erasmus + project for my school: Institut Pompeu Fabra using Javascript and ml5.js
  2. To learn how to build a mobile App using MIT App Inventor for this project
  3. To create original videogames based on traditions
  4. To learn python by creating basic games using mu editor and pygame zero library
  5. To create sulfur dioxide graphs from la Palma volcano using matplotlib library in python mode
  6. Look carefully the following videotutorial:
  7. Every student will use differnt images related to local traditions in their own neocities websites and mobile apps creations
  8. To create in your neocities a folder named trex and inside that folder a file named "index.htlm" and another named "trex.js" in order to make the game work.
  9. You can copy the code from the video above in the files index.htlm and trex.js. Remember code does not allow mistakes and typos. In case of doubt copy the code from http://github.com/drfperez/erasmusvideogame
  10. Edit the big-head images, Devil's bridge images and all images involved in the game using GIMP editor and substitute the images in the game.
  11. To learn more about HTML, CSS and Javascript, check out these tutorials and www.w3schools.com!